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Vegan Chocolate Pudding

  • Author: Chef Serena Poon


Serves 2-4

Total time: 5 minutes


4 ripe medium organic avocados

1/4 cup organic coconut milk (or preferred nut mylk)

4 tablespoons unsweetened organic dark cocoa powder or organic cacao powder

3 tablespoons manuka honey

2 ounces of dark chocolate (72% or higher), melted (vegan option best)

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon ground ceylon cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon Himalayan pink salt

Toppings: whipped coconut cream, vegan chocolate sprinkles, cocoa nibs

NOTE: Use raw organic ingredients whenever possible


  1. Remove skins and pits from the avocados.
  2. Place the avocados in a food processor. Blend until combined and creamy.
  3. Add in all remaining ingredients, blending until pureed, scraping down the sides when needed to combine.
  4. Taste and season/sweeten additionally if desired.
  5. Blend for a good 1-2 minutes until completely creamy.
  6. Serve with desired toppings.


If you’re not eating the vegan chocolate pudding right away, keep it in the fridge in an airtight container.