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Spinach Pesto Zoodles

  • Author: Serena Poon


  • ½ C broccoli florets, steamed and cooled (frozen okay if you don’t have access to fresh!)
  •  ¼ C basil leaves, packed
  •   ¼ C Italian parsley leaves, packed
  •   ½ C spinach leaves
  •   1 ea small clove of garlic, roasted preferred
  •   2 T tahini OR 3 T hemp seeds
  •   1 tsp red pepper chili flakes (optional)
  •   ½ ea small lemon, juiced and deseeded
  •   ¼ C vegan parmesan cheese (or nutritional yeast or real cheese if preferred)
  •   2 ea medium zucchini (rinsed, both ends sliced off)
  •   ½ C extra virgin olive oil (cold-pressed and organic preferred)
  •   Himalayan Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Water, as needed for texture


1) In a food processor, pulse together the broccoli, spinach, parsley, garlic, lemon juice, seeds (or tahini), and cheese or nutritional yeast until a loose paste forms.

2) With the food processor running, drizzle in the olive oil until well mixed. Stope and scrape down the sides as needed.

3) Add salt and pepper to taste and continue to mix with a little water until desired consistency.

4) Using a spiralizer (vegetable peeler or mandolin), prep the zucchini into zoodles.

5) Combine the pesto with the prepared zoodles, mix well and serve! 


If prefer using cooked zoodles, steam or flash boil the zoodles, drain and mix with pesto.