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Vegan Beet Latte Recipe

  • Author: Serena Poon


Looking for a way to incorporate more superfoods into your daily routine? I have been loving switching out my morning matcha or coffee for this nourishing beverage! P.S. use the code “Serena” for 10% off any Mitopure product


  • 1 tsp raw organic beetroot powder (for its nitric oxide) 
  • 1 sachet of Timeline Nutrition Mitopure powder (to stimpulate mitophagy!) 
  • 2 TB warm water
  • 1 C unsweetened almond milk (or other plant-based milk)
  • 2 tsp monk fruit 
  • Milk steamer or small saucepan
  • Handheld electric frother or whisk
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • Rose petals to garnish!


  1. In a milk steamer or saucepan, heat up the 1 C of almond milk (or milk of your choice).
  2. In a separate mug or cup, combine the 2T of warm water with the 1 tsp of beetroot powder, the monk fruit and the sachet of Mitopure.
  3. Remove the warmed almond milk from the steamer or saucepan and whisk it using a hand whisk or an electric handheld frother to create a bit of foam.
  4. Pour the frothed milk into the cup, while using the handheld frother (or whisk) to blend the milk into your beet root Mitopure mix at the same time.
  5. Scoop out any remaining foam to top the cup and add some garnish to your latte! You can add some cinnamon, cacao nibs or edible dried flowers for a beautiful and fun presentation.