How to Be Positive and Stay Grateful as You Chase After Your Dreams

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Keeping a positive mind can be difficult when you’re always comparing yourself to others. You’re sure to experience discontentment when you attempt to measure your journey against someone else’s journey.

You see one friend experiencing a huge career breakthrough while another is always traveling to tropical destinations with her significant other, and you start to think, “Why not me?” It can be challenging to figure out how to be positive when you’re stuck in this comparison trap.

Try to appreciate your current circumstances and dream about the places life will take you without thinking about anyone else’s journey. You should always dream big, and it’s important to have patience, gratitude, willpower, and undeniable belief throughout your journey. This makes you more open and able to receive.

Even when feelings of jealousy or doubt arise, the power of gratitude can help you look beyond what’s immediately in front of you and remain thankful for the blessings to come.

This is one of my favorite positive mindset quotes: “A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.” Don’t miss the opportunity to develop a positive mind.

Here are some positive thinking exercises that can help you harness a hopeful mindset, a spirit of gratitude, and authentic joy for others, which will lead you to fulfillment and feeling more confident as you find your true path.

Embrace goal-directed thinking

Sure, you wish things were different….but are you certain exactly what it is you want? Being able to clearly communicate your desires will open up doors in the right direction. It is impossible to go after what you want if you don’t have a specific vision of exactly what that is. With your clear goals in mind, it is much easier to develop an actionable plan. 

Maybe you’re “always the bridesmaid” and you spend lots of time wondering when you’ll find the right person to marry. While you may go out on dates now and then, do you really know what you’re looking for in a partner? Have you written down the characteristics, lifestyle, and appearance of your future person? It’s much easier to “find” someone when you have a general picture of them. 

Or perhaps you’d like to be wealthy. Have you come up with specific financial goals? What are other people like who are in the category of wealth you desire to be in? Do you have good intentions for when you finally attain that level of wealth?

Let creativity guide you

Once you’ve established what you want, it can still be overwhelming to figure out how you’re going to get there. That’s where creativity comes in.

Using “pathways thinking” will allow you to imagine multiple ways to reach a goal and give you the opportunity to switch strategies when things get tough instead of giving up. You’ll also be able break down the big picture into small steps. 

As you create your plan, know that some ideas will fail and a couple will work. Think outside the box and come up with several different strategies to achieve your goal. Rather than, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” think, “If at first you don’t succeed, try a different strategy.”

Get inspired by the stories of others who have done what you want to do. This habit of learning from the journeys of others is encouraging and expands your notion of what is possible.  

If there was only one way to become a health and wellness influencer, social media would be pretty boring. Just as I’ve had to get creative with my journey – meeting new people, pivoting when opportunities fall through, and trying different mediums – you will have to keep a positive mind and stay creative on the journey to your dreams. 

Put your will power in action

Having both a dream and a plan are important for achieving the things in life you desire. Will power alone won’t get you there. You need to be able to put your plan into action.

Use your store of will power to take focused, determined actions towards your goal. Even when your actions don’t yield the results you desire, you’re sure to discover what doesn’t work so that you can finally find out what does.

It can be difficult to find the energy to continue moving towards your goals when your body is fatigued and off-balance. Make sure your action steps include getting good sleep, eating a rainbow of whole foods, and reducing your stress levels. My program Serena’s Ultimate Health Reset can help prepare you physically, spiritually, and energetically to chase after your dreams. 

Develop a gratitude practice

Express gratitude daily for where you are and what you have. Don’t neglect to thank the Universe or your higher power for the exciting future you truly believe will be yours. Whether your gratitude practice consists of writing down a few things every day that you’re grateful for, repeating a mantra or prayer, or simply serving people you love, be fully present and absorb these truths into your body.  

One way I practice gratitude daily is through my method Culinary Alchemy®. Putting feelings of love into the food you’re preparing or eating is a powerful exercise that complements the nutritional benefits you get from your meals. It is also a good mindfulness practice that helps you choose healthier foods and avoid overeating. 

You can also try this meditation practice to embrace your vulnerabilities and fears as you focus on being grateful. 

Celebrate others

Celebrate the accomplishments, life steps, and blessings received by people in your life. And do it wholeheartedly. Negative energy towards others or yourself will only hinder your path. The impact of negative emotions can be profound, causing stress and anxiety that sabotage your progress. When you have these negative feelings, you undermine the efforts you’re making to achieve your desires. You are manifesting the opposite of belief and projecting doubt into your future.

Think of celebrating the victories and special moments in others’ lives as a source of hope and inspiration. They may even be able to help you get to where you want to be. That positive energy will come back around to you in beautiful ways.




It would be amazing if you could wish for your life to be a certain way and then wake up the next day to find all of your dreams have come true. The truth is that all of our paths will be different. It doesn’t mean that you’ll never get to where you want to be, but your timeline and story will be unique to you.

Comparison will only distract you from your true path. Those feelings of jealousy and frustration are negative energies that will close your eyes to the opportunities and blessings around you. 

As you move along in your journey and down your path, you may find that the life you are living years from now is better than anything you could have dreamed of. The feeling of being left behind will fade when you let the feelings of gratitude and faith come to the forefront. 

Send me a message on Instagram when your dreams finally come true. I’m excited to celebrate with you!


Xo – Serena

Adventure is the best way to learn


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This content is strictly the opinion of Chef Serena Poon and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Serena nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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