Crystals for relaxation, meditation, and healing

Meditation: An Incredible Tool for Enhancing Holistic Health

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Meditation is one of the best practices for enhancing your overall health. Not only does regular meditation help you stay calm and connect more deeply on a spiritual level, the practice also offers numerous benefits for the body and mind.

From stress relief to lower blood pressure, better sleep and improved focus, researchers continue to find that a regular meditation practice supports overall health. Meditation is an important part of my personal wellness routine and of the work I do with my Culinary Alchemy® clients because of how the practice helps people tap into greater health on so many levels. 

Scientific research backs up the positive impact meditation can have on your holistic health — both the Mayo Clinic and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) tout its benefits. Some of the many holistic benefits of meditation include:

  • Anxiety relief
  • Blood pressure reduction
  • Focused presence
  • Lower heart rate
  • Mindfulness 
  • Promotion of mental health
  • Renewed energy
  • Sense of calm and peace
  • Sleep improvement
  • Spiritual awakening

Meditation also helps us separate from thoughts and feelings that may be dragging down overall health, adding new perspective and clarity to a wellness or healing journey.

A person holding clear quartz and purple flowers

Crystals Amplify Energy

Crystals hold natural vibrations that support and amplify practices and rituals. When used in a meditation practice, crystals can produce clarity, bring focus to your intention, and help cleanse negative energy.  

The use of crystals for wellness dates back to ancient cultures, in which crystals were used for medicinal treatments and spiritual connections. Crystals contain powerful vibrations that can be used to shift your own vibration through the process of entrainment—a process in which two vibrations meet and adjust to match each other. As each crystal carries its own vibration, you can choose different crystals for different intentions and purposes.  

While many crystals have recommended uses, it is important that you use your intuition when selecting crystals to enhance your meditation practice. Your soul knows what it needs to heal—take some time and listen to your inner voice as you pick out your crystal.

My 7 Favorite Crystals for Meditation 

These are some of my favorite crystals to use while meditating. From calming to chakra balancing and negative energy cleansing, these crystals can help you enhance your meditation practice to find greater clarity and healing.

Search the Serena Loves shop to purchase crystals that can help enhance your meditation practice. 


Ametrine is a beautiful, transparent crystal that comes in shades of purple and yellow. It’s thought to help instill inner balance, spark creativity, calm the spirit, and increase self-confidence.

You can place ametrine in your lap, in a focused center point in your meditation circle, or you can place it as a spiritual circle around you as you meditate. Allow your mind to concentrate on peace and self-confidence and ametrine will help call on those traits. 

Black Tourmaline

This black volcanic crystal contains powerful energy to help cleanse your mind from negative thoughts and keep you grounded. In meditation, black tourmaline can also help motivate you and help you break through obstacles or stagnant energy. 

Ensure you have physical contact with this crystal as you meditate to connect with its grounding capabilities.


Citrine exudes sunshine-like qualities and is thought to help its user experience sustained joy and lightness. Many use citrine in meditation to attract positivity into their daily lives.

Hold citrine close to you as you meditate. Inhale deeply and slowly exhale. Imagine all of the negativity and joy-zapping thoughts and experiences you cling to floating away and disappearing.

Clear Quartz

The translucent beauty of clear quartz makes it a popular crystal for a wide variety of uses. This stone also holds high vibrational energy that can support transformation. When you use clear quartz for meditation, it can help enhance focus and clarity. 

When you meditate with clear quartz, center your focus on a clear, calm mind. 


The appearance of labradorite can contain shades of green, blue, yellow, red, gray, purple, and brown. This crystal holds energy that can help reduce insecurities, deepen your spiritual insights, and heal emotional wounds.

When you meditate with labradorite, start by verbally affirming its power and giving it permission to guide you toward the healing you need in the moment.


Moonstone’s pearly, shiny appearance gives off mystical vibes. Long used to manifest romantic love and good fortune, moonstone supports finding harmony and balance through meditation.

Focus on the harmony you long for and hold moonstone close to your heart as you meditate.


Selenite is a transparent, thin crystal that was used in window panes in ancient Greece and Egypt, and in Rome’s Santa SabinaBasilica. This stone may help purify low energy vibrations, declutter the mind, and boost positive energy. It can be an excellent support for meditations on new beginnings and positive transformation.

When you use selenite for meditation, hold it in your hands and focus on wiping the slate clean to find a fresh start.

A woman meditating with a crystal in her hand

Where to Get Started with Crystals and Meditation

The great thing about utilizing meditation as a wellness tool is that it can be accessed anywhere by anyone. You can begin meditating by simply closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. You may also try guided meditations through live meditation sessions or online. Different types of meditation resonate with different people, so don’t be afraid to try several methods. 

Learn more about how to get started with meditation.

Connect with Serena Loves

I’d love to connect with you and hear which crystals you’ve found are the best to help with meditation! 

Check out my blog for more insights, healthy, soul-nourishing recipes, and tips for holistic living. Remember, positive life change begins with small, single steps.

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This content is strictly the opinion of Chef Serena Poon and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Serena nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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